The comments my friends left on the last post somehow inspired me to put a little more writing to my entries.  As a consequence, there will be times when "Show Me Your Look Today" will discuss a little more about life's journeys.  I can't promise that I will be a perfect source of life's lessons, but I am certain that I will write with truth,  objectivity and compassion.  It will be my view of the world and our existence, my view of crossroads, of complexities and of other pressing issues -- Hopefully you might find something in it that will inspire you to make better choices, not just with clothes and stuff, but about other things that matter too. 

Looking Back and Ahead...

     Today, I wanna take a step back and look at things.  Sometimes when we feel overwhelmed, we can always stop and view what's happening in an entirely different perspective.  It's sometimes fun to halt for a while when things are moving in such speed and reflect on the past events that brought us where we are now. 

A piece of my thoughts...

        It was a Sunday of talk, books, pizza, tutti frutti and interesting ideas...

     I don't like arguments.  I get along better with people who's got the same interests and opinion as me.  Contrary to what they say about opposites attract, I find it easier if I'm in the company of people whose ideas and interests are the same as mine.  If I needed to defend them, it would be easy because our thoughts and reasoning will be the same.  If I needed to suggest stuff, it would be easy too because it's what I'd do myself if I were on his/her toes.  If we need to hang out, it'll be fun because we've got the same likes or dislikes...

     But reality tells us that not everyone we meet will agree with us all the time.  That's OK.  This world is big enough for people to co-exist with one another.  And as long as no-one's crossing the boundary of etiquette, religion and issues on morality, we can go on co-existing peacefully.  

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